Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Could Write a Book

I had thought of naming my blog, "I Could Write a Book," as sort of an homage to my mother.  That's what she used to say to emphasize the fact that whatever she was complaining about at the time, she had enough material, in fact, to write a book about it.  However, for my blog, that title seemed a little ostentatious. After all, I'll be lucky to write a few blog posts, much less write a book!

Then, I came up with "Scone With the Wind," which I thought was truly a very clever and original title that would reference my affinity for scones, afternoon tea, teacups, and teapots while at the same time, pay tribute to my favorite book and movie of all time.  (Notice that I even capitalized "With," a la GWTW.) But, woe was me when I discovered that I was not the first person on the planet to coin that clever title!  

So, there you go.  "Scone With the Wind and More" was born.  It's probably a better title, anyway, since I'd like to spout off (pardon the pun!) about a lot of things, not just tea and GWTW.


And, speaking of GWTW, the first time I read the book I was about 12 years old.  I say "the first time," because at last count I have read it 13 times. Yes, 13 times!  (And I should probably think about reading it again sometime soon.)  Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara took me by storm!  I couldn't put the book down, partly because the story was so captivating and partly because I was riding in the back seat of my family's 1953 Oldsmobile on our way to Dallas to visit relatives, and if I put the book down and looked out the window, I would be immediately CAR SICK!!!

NOTE:  In reviewing this post, I can't figure out why this NOTE and the previous paragraph appear to be highlighted.  Oh, well, I'll worry about that tomorrow. 

So, I kept my head down all the way to Dallas and back, continuing to read Gone With the Wind while the visit took place, and finished all 1,037 pages after returning home a few days later.

Why would I want to read and re-read a book 13 times and counting?  Why would my 5-year-old son watch "ET" over and over and over and. . . Same reason.  When you first discover something that really grabs you and takes you away to a different time and place and it does it for you EVERY time you experience it, then it's worth repeating.  Right? 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Maiden Blog Post

Well, here goes nothing!  Since I've been reading and following a number of blogs over the last couple of years, I decided that I should try writing a blog myself.  Not that anyone will read it, of course, other than my son and a couple of close friends who will promise not to laugh.